The MARABU Markenvertrieb GmbH is an owner-managed, international marketing and sales company for Fast Moving Consumer Goods. Our work focuses on the sectors of Cosmetics and WPR (detergents and household products).
In addition to our own brands, MARABU Markenvertrieb also sells a selective range of external brands. Brand owners benefit from our know-how and comprehensive sales network to distribute their brands at low cost and with great success in the German and Austrian mass market.
MARABU provides a range of different models of cooperation. Ranging from the use of individual services on a fee basis through to pure marketing with variable payment, and to the model of an exclusive distributor who buys or imports the goods from the brand owner and then re-sells them under his own name and on his own account.
Our services are especially suitable for smaller and medium-sized brands for which an own sales organization is either not efficient enough or too costly or which often does not find sufficient attention required within the portfolio of a group of companies.